Monday, 14 April 2008

Wednesday 19th March

Ambled through the fruit and wine producing region that is Nelson and less than an hour later found myself performing the backstroke at Kiakeri beach, how lucky am I to be here? Didn't feel quite so lucky when I checked in to Old MacDonalds Farm in Marahau. This place is truly at the end of the line and is on land that is half-farm, half agricultural theme park. My accommodation was modest, it was just me and the sandflies in the dorm tonight, the dorm being a kind of wooden lean-to affair with bunks. I cooked a stir fry mixing up the lamb with some native silver beet which makes an interesting alternative to pak choi and eased into a glass of NZ red out on my porch whilst reflecting on recent days events. The scene was reminiscent of the Bajans who sit outside their shanty huts on Barbados' north shore except they all had massive speakers and sound systems on their porches which must have cost more than their house.

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