Monday, 28 April 2008

Saturday 22nd March

Picked up Estelle a random Frechie who was hitch-hiking from Nelson to Kiakora, swapped her for a very tasty gourmet pie in Picton and boarded the Inter-Islander ferry and cruised from Picton to Wellington in three and a bit hours without once being tempted to sit on the 'top dick'. The Pulsar has earned it's stripes safely cruising 3,200 kilometers of the South Island's finest roads and and so received the massive honour of being christened the 'Mark IV Shandy Kopter'. It brought a tear to my eye when I stenciled the hallowed name on the rear window, removing a thick layer of silt with every finger stroke. Needless to say the Kopter was the last vehicle on the ferry. Wasn't sure where I was going to stay whilst in Wellington as my attempts at communication with Tina were somewhat sporadic. My aim for the day was to get to the Memorial, not wanting to miss the most important event of the year I tracked down the KH and figured out that I was a wee bit early so went to a Greek eatery and relieved them of half a cooked sheep. Went to the memorial where Wayne and Debbie were on form and informed me that Tina and family were in Auckland but that she'd made arrangements for me to stay at hers pretty much as long as I needed. This was excellent news as I really wasn't sure where I was gonna stay, did someone mention Matthew 6 v 33?

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