Monday, 28 April 2008

Wed April 2nd

Perfect Day
Drove to a local waterfall whose name escapes me, giving an Estonian girl a lift to said falls which were on my route, then we cracked on to Takaka where I dropped her off and boarded Perfect Day, a big cruise boat (20m in length I'd guess) that took us over the choppy waters to Poor Knights Island, the location of a pretty horrendous Maori-on-Maori massacre and now a marine reserve since 1982. The weather was glorious, I was famished so tucked into the grub whilst the others donned wetsuits. No need for that, the water is not cold. I went for a kayak to check out the lay of the erm, sea and then jumped in for a snorkel and saw an abundance of sea life, tonnes of fish, big ones and small ones, a pig fish, snapper, little silver ones and all the while I was keeping my eyes peeled for a pod of orcha (Killer Whales) that had been sighted en route south from the Bay of Islands to here where they know they can feast on stingray. Despite my constant vigil I didn't see them. It's a shame, as it was we cruised back to the mainland and I have to say it was a pretty good day, not quite perfect though!

Connecting Four
Drove up the coast to Waitanghe in the Bay of Islands and took on the German National 'Connect Four' squad (ok, a young lass called Anne, but she'd been practising!) coming out victorious and taking the trophy back to Lancashire where it belongs. Oh Lanky Lanky. Christian Gedina!

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