Monday, 28 April 2008

Wednesday 16th April

The first sensation I had waking up in Straya was remarkably similar to the last I had in NZ, the sound of persistent and heavy rainfall. Aha, but Queensland is the Sunshine State is it not? After coming to properly I realised the rain noise was merely the fan spinning up above my bed. This is Queensland, the Sunshine State. Twas a bit George Michael (Whaaaaaaaam).

I had the option of galavanting down to the Gold Coast or up to the Sunshine Coast, both roughly an hour or so away from Brisbane. Or I could put some roots down and take stock. I opted for the latter as I've been running around like a blue-arsed fly for two months solid so I'm ready for a bit of settling down.

Headed off on a walk with my two new room mates, who were German girls called Telse and Greta. We followed the Lonely Planet's guide to walking around Brisey. We took in the Anzac Memorial, botanical gardens, were given a guided tour by Dennis of the Queensland State Parliament (each state has it's own parliament as well as a national version), wandered around an art gallery, ate at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) union and then back through the shopping precincts of Queen Street.

Had a night out on the town and met a Kiwi fella who lived in Melbourne and a chap called Dave who was a Brisey boy. They were both a bit older than me but we had a good old chinwag after meeting in a microbrewery bar. Pretty big night all round as is traditional.

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