Monday, 28 April 2008

Tue April 1st

April Is The Greatest Month
Anke and I headed to Waipu village, she went on the net, I went to the Waipu museum that had just had it's grand opening on Saturday. Fascinating story of Scottish settlers arriving in Waipu via Nova Scotia and Melbourne thanks to the efforts of staunch preacher man Norman McLeod who sounded a lot like my dad!

Followed Anke to Waipu Cove and watched her surf for an hour or so, I would have had a dabble but am looking after my knee. Boo!

Cracked on solo to a dingy town centre backpackers in Whangarei (pronounced Fangeray). Downstairs bar made up for it tho. Met another Dutch girl (they're like buses, DAF ones perhaps?) and went oot for a bit of fodder before retiring for an early night in my less than salubrious surroundings, this place really was a hole, dirty, with the electric fittings poking out of walls ready to electrocute the unsuspecting in the middle of the night. Not really somewhere to recommend.

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