Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Tuesday 13th May

Rambuttri Village Inn - the room, air con, Thai TV and BBC World News, sparse walls, just plaster.
Fruit, muesli and yoghurt at a market stall for less than a pound.

Got templed-out at Wat Pho (sp?), saw the massive reclining Buddha.
Enquired about getting a Thai-UK power adaptor. The tourist info girl looked blank at first then drew on my map after nodding and indicating she knew what I wanted. I followed the map instructions and it led me to a doctors surgery. Adapter, doctor, same difference.
Toilet hunting. Where the hell do these people go for a wee?!
Smells; good and bad. Fish sauce, fresh spices, rancid meat, sewer waftages, fresh flowers, the lot.
Caught my first river boat, it took me in the opposite direction to where I wanted to go which was fairly made me chuckle. Not very 007.
Sniffed out a Blues club around the corner from my gaffe, indulged in < 2 pound White Russians!

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