Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Monday 13th May

Chilled out in Syders then caught a mid afternoon flight to Thailand, a nine hour trip that passed pretty rapidly thanks to an airing of Fear an Loathing in Las Vegas. Terry Gilliam, genius.

Upon arriving at the noticably hot and humid Bangkok airport I checked my bank account and was pleased to see that my worldly funds have swollen in value, or at least they occupied more real estate on the ATM screen. I have never seen as many comma's in one ATM readout in my life. Result. Probably only about a hundred quid in there but it looks a lot in Thai bhat (62 bhat to the GP).

Rocked up at some backpackers guest house at 1am-ish on Soi Rambuttri and happily they had an aircon room spare for well under a tenner.

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